Welcome to Lupac Bookkeeping Services. Our company can meet all of your accounting needs, you choose the amount of service your company receives; full and complete record keeping or maybe just payroll or bank reconciliations. We can custom create an accounting system to fit whatever your companies need or budget may be.
20% of all businesses have a total failure in the Bookkeeping department. Bookkeepers quit, get fired or are discovered to be incompetent.
Save Money by outsourcing your accounting and cut management time to zero. No need to pay expensive employee benefits like vacation time or sick leave. Access relevant and accurate numbers and know your cash position at any time. Let our company do your bookkeeping so you can focus on what your company does. We will work around your schedule and can meet for consultation any time.
If you have been thinking about contracting an outside Bookkeeper to handle your affairs please call Lupac Bookkeeping Services and we can set up a time that is most convenient for you to discuss your particular business needs.
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